Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rainy Day Breakfast

For the past week Canberra has forgotten that it is still Summer, and has been blessed with Autumnal weather. This morning I woke to puring rain and a misty sky. As someone who loves rain and cloudy days (surely they provide creative inspiration), I have been very happy with the tea-drinking, tight-wearing weather. The best part is that I can now indulge in my favorite cold weather breakfast - porridge.
I never skip breakfast, and always try to make it as exciting as possible (no burnt toast and tasteless cereal for me)! I mus admit though, laziness does make me an instant oats girl. I know that oats cooked on the stove are much tastier, but I never have the time!
For my delicious porridge you need:
1/2 cup of instant oats
2/3 cup of milk
1 banana (or any fresh or dried fruit you like, grated pear or apple is delicious)
A handful, sliced of blueberries
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of slivered almonds (or chopped walnuts)
1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

Add the milk and oats into a medium-sized bowl and microwave for two minutes. Then add a sliced banana, or other fruit and microwave for another minute. Remove from microwave and add honey, nuts and blueberries. Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and enjoy with a nice cup of coffee. This will set you up for all those wintry days to come.

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